
Showing posts with the label Love for ielts

How to frame body paragraphs in IELTS Task 2 ??

COMPOSITION  OF BODY PARAGRAPHS:- One of the most daunting tasks for IELTS students as this part constitutes a major part of your essay. Let's get started by discussing certain things to be kept in mind while planning the framework of paragraphs: 1) It's better to jot down the points roughly first along with the sub-points including logical and analytical reasons. 2) Follow the strategy of PEEP where P stands for the Main point E - Elaboration of the main point E- Exemplify the point P- Closing point  This can work for you ideally ... Now let's practice to make a body paragraph for a sample question Ques) Should a common man be allowed to keep the license of gun or revolver ? First step: Plan the point supporting the idea of why a layman ought to be provided with the gun. Second step : Try to fit this idea into PEEP Third step : Frame your body paragraphs Point could be:- If permitted to own personal ammunitions, it would be possible for a common man to have a real sense o...